
Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Carnaval 2017

Resultado de imagen de carnaval 2017

Estimadas familias:

Como sabéis, este año celebramos el carnaval en el Colegio. Será el próximo día 24 de febrero a las 14,45. La temática es libre pero con la peculiaridad de que el material elegido para confeccionar el disfraz debe ser reciclado.

Un saludo,

The Gale

Monday, 13 February 2017

Deberes del 13 de febrero

4ºA y B


- Repasar para el examen de mañana.
- Terminar el trabajo de lectura para mañana.

Monday, 30 January 2017

The digestive system

Our digestive system allows our body to get the nutrients it needs from the food we eat.

Resultado de imagen de digestive system diagram for kids

* The digestive process starts in the mouth. We chew food with our teeth and mix the food with saliva.

* Our tongue pushes the food around our mouth to a tube called the oesophagus.

* The food travels down the oesophagus to our stomach. The stomach is like a mixer. It uses gastric juices to turn the food into a thick liquid.

*The thick liquid travels to a long tube called the small intestine. The small intestine breaks down the food mixture even more.

* The liver and the pancreas send juices to the small intestine so that our body can now absorb the nutrients in the food.

* The remains of the food that our body can´t use go to a wide tube called the large intestine. Here our body has its last chance to take water from the food.

* The remains finally leave our body through the anus.